If you
have some users who can access SmartLists and others who cannot, it is entirely
possible the users who can are POWERUSER in GP and the users who cannot are
not members of this group.
user group provides access to any and all features in GP -- technically it is the absence of security controls. This is a really important distinction if your organization wrestles with SOX Compliance. In small organizations, it is typical for 2-4
people to have universal access to GP (Ownership, Operations Manager, CFO and
Bookkeeper). In larger organizations
there are typically more defined roles for more numerous users, some who act as
clerks, others who act as managers and still others who focus primarily on
financials -- this is absolutely critical when SOX Compliance is necessary.
There are
no default Security Tasks or Roles in Dynamics GP for SmartList Objects. In order to provide the appropriate security
for SmartList Objects to users, these Tasks and Roles must be created and
assigned to users.
SmartList Object Security
Tasks: Navigate to Microsoft Dynamics
GP > Tools > Setup > System > Security Tasks - Create a New Task ID
= _SMARTLIST OBJECTS, Task Name = SmartList Object Permissions, Category =
System, Product = SmartList, Type = SmartList Object, Series = SmartList
Objects - Click the Mark All button; this will provide access to ALL SmartList
Objects that
currently exist! When SmartList Builder is
used to create new SmartList Objects, permissions will need to be granted for
them, after their creation. Click the
Save button to save this new Security Task.
SmartList System Security
Tasks: Navigate to Microsoft Dynamics
GP > Tools > Setup > System > Security Tasks - Create a New Task ID
= _SMARTLIST SYSTEM, Task Name = SmartList System Permissions, Category =
System, Product = SmartList Builder, Type = SmartList Builder Permissions,
Series = SmartList Builder- Click the Mark All button; this will provide access
to ALL SmartList Builder Features Click
the Save button to save this new Security Task.
SmartList Security
Role: Navigate to Microsoft Dynamics GP
> Tools > Setup > System > Security Roles - Create a New Role ID =
_SMARTLIST ALL ACCESS, Role Name = SmartList Permissions-All Access, Display =
System - Check the boxes next to _SMARTLIST OBJECTS and _SMARTLIST SYSTEM; this
will provide access to ALL SmartList Builder Features Click the Save button to save this new
Security Role.
Assign the Security Role to
a User: Navigate to Microsoft Dynamics
GP > Tools > Setup > System > User Security. Look Up the User, or Type in the User ID. Select a company - you will only see
companies the user has access rights to.
Check the _SMARTLIST ALL ACCESS Security Role - to add the user to the
Security Role. Click the Save button to
commit the change. Users who are logged
into GP will need to log out and back in again for changes to propagate.
This security schema will permit access to all SmartList Objects
and Features. If you would like to
prevent access to various SmartList Objects, you can create more granular
security groups to grant access to only SmartList Objects related to their
assigned roles (department).
This is great information. Is it possible to make the smartlist objects that you don't want them to see invisible? This works to keep them from accessing anything they don't need to, in that it limits which windows will open. That said my test user can still see the summary for financials which is part of what I want to lock down.
I often create objects and assign them to classes. You can also just create a new task that then limits the objects that should be seen.
DeleteeOne has an exhaustive blog article on how to configure minimum access for SmartList Builder here >> http://www.eonesolutions.com/Manuals/SmartList-Builder/SmartList%20Builder%202015/?page=toc377551038