Saturday, July 11, 2015

Management Reporter Missing Account Analysis - Missing Building Blocks

One of the many differences between FRx and Management Reporter is the means by which users determine which accounts are missing from a Row Definition (formerly Row Format in FRx). In FRx one explicitly identified which reports should display missing and duplicate accounts by opening Report Options > Advanced > Exception Report and mark to report either or both missing and duplicate accounts.

In Management Reporter, this is not the case. Not being one to recreate the wheel. Crestwood Associates created a fine post on how to address these issues in Management Reporter. Here is a link to this article:

Crestwood Associates Blog Article on Missing and Duplicate Accounts in Management Reporter

One of the finer points of the Missing Account Analysis window, it is possible to suppress the reporting, which can be handy if the accounts listed as missing should not be on the report. Clicking on Exclude check box next to the Account or Report (I am less enthusiastic about this option, as Chart of Accounts change and grow over time) will suppress the account or report in the Missing Account Analysis window.

Consequently, the Missing Account Analysis window may, or may not contain all of the current Row Definitions and/or various Missing Accounts. If you are conducting a Missing Account Analysis and find you are completely missing a Row Definition, one of two things may be the cause. 

First, it is entirely possible for someone (even yourself) to have excluded the Row Definition from Analysis. In order to determine if this is the case, you should click on the Show excluded building blocks and values button. This will also reveal any accounts manually excluded from analysis. See image one below:

The second cause could be that recent changes to the Row Definition may not have been synchronized with the Missing Account Analysis window. If this is the case, then clicking on the Refresh button (see image one above) will update this information - it may take some time, if there are a significant number of changes to update.

A thorough Missing Account Analysis will require the Show excluded building blocks and values box be checked and the window be refreshed.

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